gnop – a Pong clone

I made a Pong clone called gnop using Construct 2, you can try it out on the Scirra Arcade if you like. I also posted it to the One Game a Month website as my game for February. Hopefully I’ll be able to post a game for March too. 🙂

gnop screenshot

It’s a really simple game, it’s Pong after all, but for me it’s a great achievement in that it’s a complete game with a menu, art, sound effects, music, win conditions, one or two player mode and so on. It’s more complete than all the other projects I’ve started and abandoned over the years. 🙂

MyM interface update

MyM v2 screenshotHere’s a screenshot of the current look of the money tracking software I’m working on. I like this design much better than the old one (see post below). I still need to adjust the colors and/or get some graphics for backgrounds and some icons.

It’s still progressing slowly, my spare time hasn’t really increased since my last post. 😦

Sometimes life takes a funny (or not so funny) turn.

Money tracking software screenshot


This is a small program I’ve been working on for some time. It’s a money managing app to track your income/expense. It’s very rough and early but the basic functionality is there. I don’t like how the UI turned out though (too many tabs :)) so I’ll be redesigning it. It’s coded in Blitzmax (using the MaxGui module).

I’m running Windows 7 beta, hence the “Send Feedback” link on the top right corner.

I don’t have much spare time to work on this and other stuff, work and family eats up most of my time. However, the company I work for isn’t doing so good right now (like the rest of the world I quess, silly economic crisis) so I’ll only be working every other week. That might give me some extra time to code. Always look on the bright side of life. 🙂