New games

I made two small games since I last posted here. The first one is called Watchers and is a avoid and hide from the bad guys and get to the exit game. I quite like this one and I might continue working on it. You can try it here on Gamejolt.


The other game is one I started for the #lowrezjam gamejam that was happening in May. I didn’t finish it in time but it is now also up on Gamejolt.

Go fast

gnop – a Pong clone

I made a Pong clone called gnop using Construct 2, you can try it out on the Scirra Arcade if you like. I also posted it to the One Game a Month website as my game for February. Hopefully I’ll be able to post a game for March too. 🙂

gnop screenshot

It’s a really simple game, it’s Pong after all, but for me it’s a great achievement in that it’s a complete game with a menu, art, sound effects, music, win conditions, one or two player mode and so on. It’s more complete than all the other projects I’ve started and abandoned over the years. 🙂