New games

I made two small games since I last posted here. The first one is called Watchers and is a avoid and hide from the bad guys and get to the exit game. I quite like this one and I might continue working on it. You can try it here on Gamejolt.


The other game is one I started for the #lowrezjam gamejam that was happening in May. I didn’t finish it in time but it is now also up on Gamejolt.

Go fast

gnop – a Pong clone

I made a Pong clone called gnop using Construct 2, you can try it out on the Scirra Arcade if you like. I also posted it to the One Game a Month website as my game for February. Hopefully I’ll be able to post a game for March too. 🙂

gnop screenshot

It’s a really simple game, it’s Pong after all, but for me it’s a great achievement in that it’s a complete game with a menu, art, sound effects, music, win conditions, one or two player mode and so on. It’s more complete than all the other projects I’ve started and abandoned over the years. 🙂

The Iconoclasts

I finally got around to trying out Konjaks latest game he’s working on, The Iconoclasts. I really enjoyed his last game, Noitu Love 2, it had really nice art and music and the boss fights were great.

Well, Iconoclasts seems to turn everything up a notch. It looks beautiful, very colorful and pretty. It was very fun to play and it seems to have very funny and interesting characters and story. The boss fights were great with some nice mechanics, something I remember fondly from Noitu Love 2. I can’t wait to play the full version!

There’s an alpha version available that anyone can download and try.